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Name of the Development: Hemma Amber│District: Kwun Tong (North) | Name of the street and street number : 18 On Hei Street* | Address of the website designated by the Vendor for the development#: https://hemmaamber.hkhs.com│The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist’s impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The Vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. | Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Phase. | This advertisement is published by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor. | *The provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the Phase is completed. | # Website containing the electronic version of sales brochure, price list, register of transactions, deed of mutual covenant and aerial photographs.
Disclaimer | Copyright and Trade Mark | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Disclaimer | ©2023 Hong Kong Housing Society All rights reserved | Last Update : 14th March 2025
To the extent this website https://hemmaamber.hkhs.com constitutes an advertisement, this notice shall apply.
Name of the Development: Hemma Amber|District: Kwun Tong (North)|Name of the Street and the Street Number: 18 On Hei Street*|Address of the website designated by the Vendor for the development#: https://hemmaamber.hkhs.com
The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist’s impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the Development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
Vendor: Hong Kong Housing Society|Holding Company of the Vendor: Not applicable|Authorized Person for the Development: Mr. ORR Wah Hung David|The firm or corporation of which the Authorized Person for the Development if a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Wong Tung & Partners Limited|Building Contractor for the Development: Hip Hing Engineering Company Limited|The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development: Baker & McKenzie|Authorized Institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development: Not applicable|Other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development: Not applicable|The estimated material date for the development, as provided by the authorized person for the development: 31 March 2027 (“Material date” means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are compiled with in respect of the Development. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.)|This advertisement is published by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor.|Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Development.|# Website containing electronic version of sales brochure, price list, register of transactions, deed of mutual covenant and aerial photographs.|*This provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the Development is completed.
Last updated on : 14th March 2025
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